"KROQI 2 BIMserver" is a free program for communication between the KROQI and BIMserver.center platform, allowing for files to be exchanged between the two.
"KROQI 2 BIMserver" users can work on both repositories, taking maximum advantage of the features of each one for the same project, and exchange files in real time to guarantee the synchronisation of all information.
"KROQI 2 BIMserver" is integrated into the Open BIM workflow via the BIMserver.center platform.
With BIMserver.center users can manage, share and update their architecture, engineering and construction projects in the cloud. Furthermore, by using Open BIM technology, users are integrated into a collaborative, open and coordinated workflow between all technicians that form part of the work team.
On the French platform, KROQUI, users can store and share files in a collaborative way with other users in order to develop BIM projects. It has internal messaging features and is based on the use of microservices that are applied to the projects' files.
"KROQI 2 BIMserver" has a graphic interface that allows files to be selected from any KROQI project and transfered to any project synchronised on BIMserver.center.
The application is integrated into KROQI services. By clicking on any IFC file hosted by KROQI and opening the list of services, users can access the BIMserver.center service, which will launch the desktop application establishing communication and synchronisation between the projects on both platforms.
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